The main idea here was to explore the idea of gmail to work. Usually used on desktop, it can get cluttered with too much information on the screen and improve the integration among Google products to make the workflow easier.
Also, explore the idea of an hybrid of messaging and email platforms.
(work in progress - there are a lot of tweaks to be made on the UI of this project and also explain more the functionalities added here. Add interaction, contextual animation and hover states too... and definitely work on the presentation here lol)

Google products with easy access on your left, and an option to screen new emails before going to your inbox

All your products on the sidebar instead of having them on the top right like today. The sidebar would be fixed on the page.

Add a widget on your right, like a calendar or notes to work together with your email. This column has its own scroll.

The email itself is organised as a message, with option to initiate a call with the particiants or leave a note for yourself

Search for images and files instead of going through your emails

Save important information on your Google Keep to have easy access on all your devices

A different layout, still exploring (especially in smaller screens)