My first impression is that is a lot going on on this screen, and I tried to remove all the extra noise (including a small redesign of the nav bar, without the small resizing).
I gave more focus on the product, keeping it bigger and removing the thumbnails of the other pictures. The idea is to have it sliding to change products and you can zoom in just hovering the image.
More focus on the action button could help driving sales, as we have a clear action to perform on this screen. I did an example of what should happen after you click. So you can stay on this screen and keep shopping or go to the checkout.
One approach that I think could benefit the conversion rates is to show all products as an e-commerce, rather than having them separated per sections. All products would be shown on the same screen, using filters, search and sort buttons to navigate between all of them. The screen I designed is the products page and should show other products, "recommended products" right after the one we choose.
The templated footer, that repeat from the main page could be redesigned, but it would include a redesign of the main page too. We show our 4 categories 3 times on the landing page, and we could benefit from focusing more on how the testing/delivery/results work.
For the products page, "Why getting tested for bowel cancer is important" should come first and then the video of how to take a sample. Or maybe we can keep the latter as a link for the "Knowledge bank" or include an FAQ and more information about the delivery.PS: I'm under the assumption that the text changed since my first visit, but as this screen should be able to handle different tests I decided to keep the previous text.